September 17, 2010

BRAVA SPECTRE - "Cuss Tongue" 7" (self released)

  Hot damn! CT's newest genre-benders -Brave Spectre, hit us with this mysterious little invention, in the form of a 7" single and they call it "Cuss Tongue".These two songs are some of the most inventive, smart,and driving tunes I've heard in some time.In a loose description, I'd feel pretty good about naming acts like Party of Helicopters, Volume Eleven, Raccoo-oo-oon, and other post-everything hardcore and punk acts of the late 90's.Toss in some killer,drawn-out psych jaunts,that tend to surface unexpectedly and you are pretty close.There are no gimmicks here whatsoever.They are an honest and talented bunch indeed.And as fresh as this may sound at first,there is something really cozy about this band.You will sweat you've heard this before,until it takes a thousand turns and turns your brain to jell-o.
  Side A kicks things off with some serious urgency.Wildly syncopated drum blasts propel some rather complicated guitar noodling, and they show us their ability to stop-n-start at any time almost immediately.My neck was sore within the first 20 seconds of listening to this,and there were a few "holy shit's" followed by some poor,but determined air drumming on my part.Both songs have a ton of parts, and both lean towards a HEAVY prog-rock influence, minus the symphonic synth-swells and 14 minute drum rapings(and 14 pc. drum kits..).Cuss Tongue is filled to the brim with sharp,technical riffs and mathy drum patterns that never seem to lose their stride,unless they are "accidentally on purpose".Brava Spectre seem to have a knack for writing quick and catchy melodies as well, and they like slipping them into their melodic-madness,and keeping their songs as calm and collected as they are chaotic and abrasive.A healthy and clever concoction.
 The vocals range from damaged shouting that is odd and catchy,to treated croons and hushed whimpering weirdness.It all seems to fit together nicely,no matter what seems to pour out of the dude's mouth.Their inventive sound collage definitely hold a slew of familiar elements,especially for the 30 something indie enthusiast.And I suspect that people with early Ebullition, Troubleman Unlimited, and Southern Records releases in their collection, are going to flip out over this.Goooood stuff.They have a new full length out on cd/cass as well..Get them both here:

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